MESSAGES.MESSAGE_BETAVERSION=This feature is not available in the beta version...
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_NEEDAPPRESTART=You must restart the program to apply the changes.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_NAG_SAMEKEY=The code you entered is the same as the current code. Please enter a different code.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_NAG_WRONGCODE=Invalid code! Please enter a valid code!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_NAG_NOTRIALAGAIN=You cannot enter another trial version code. Please enter a full version code!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_NAG_BUYED=Valid code! Thank you for purchasing the full version of the program!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_NAG_TRIALKEYOK=Valid trial code! Thank you for trying the program!
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_NAGTEXT_UNREGISTERED=You are using the unregistered 10-day trail version of the program.<br><br>You have <b>%DAYSLEFT% more day(s)</b> until this trial version expires.<br>If you register you can test the program for another 30 days free of charge.<br><br>To buy the full version now just click on the <b>Buy Now</b> button.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_NAGTEXT_REGISTERED=You are using the registered trial version of the program.<br><br>You have <b>%DAYSLEFT% more day(s)</b> until this trial version expires. <br>After this you will no longer be able to use the program.<br><br>To buy the full version now just click on the <b>Buy Now</b> button.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_NAGTEXT_EXPIRED10=Sorry, the 10-day trial version of the program has now expired!<br><br>You have tested the full functionality of the program for 10 days.<br><br>To obtain a free registration code to extend the trial by 30 days click on <br><b>Get Free 30-day Trial Version</b>. To buy the full version now just click <br>on the <b>Buy Now</b> button.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_NAGTEXT_EXPIRED30=Sorry, the free trial version of the program has now expired!<br><br>You have now tested the full functionality of the program for 30 days.<br><br>If you want to buy the full version now just click on the <b>"Buy Now"</b> button.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_NAGTEXT_FULLKEYEDITION=You are using the unregistered 10-day trail version of the program.<br><br>You have <b>%DAYSLEFT% more day(s)</b> until this trial version expires.<br><br>To get the full version now just click on on the <b>"Get Full Version"</b> button.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_NAGTEXT_EXPIREDFULLKEYEDITION=Sorry, the 10-day trial version of the program has now expired!<br><br>You have tested the full functionality of the program for 10 days.<br><br>To get the full version now just click on on the <b>"Get Full Version"</b> button.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_NOPLUGINSELECTED=Please select a plugin from the list.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_REALLYDELETEPLUGIN=Are you sure that you want to remove the selected plugin? You may have %CRLFto reinstall the software associated with the plugin to reverse this operation!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_PLUGINDELETED=The plugin will not be loaded the next time you start Windows®.%CRLFYou should restart Windows® now.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_CLIPSRV=Enables the Windows® Clipboard to exchange data with remote computers. Completely useless for 99% of all users.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_WMDMPMSP=Reads the serial numbers of all portable media players connected to your computer. Almost always useless unless you use copy-protected media files on mobile player devices.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_ERSVC=Used by the Windows® Error Reporting service, which almost nobody wants to use. Deactivate if you don't want to use this "feature" to send error reports to Microsoft.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_HELPSVC=Activates the Help and Support Center on your computer. Experienced users who don't need help with using Windows® can turn this service off.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_BITS=Transfers files in the background using idle network bandwidth. Useless for 99% of all users.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_WZCSV=Automatic configuration service for 802.11 adapters (Wireless LAN and Infrared).%CRLFCaution: Don't deactivate this if you use wireless LAN! If you don't have WLAN you can turn it off.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_MESSENGER=Transmits Net Send and Alerter messages between clients and servers. Often used to display advertising messages on the desktop via the Internet. This service has nothing to do with Windows® Messenger. If you don't use it on your own network you can turn it off.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_MNMSRVC=Enables authorized users to access your computer remotely via a corporate intranet using NetMeeting. Useless for 99% of all users and also a potential security hazard!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_RSVP=Tries to speed up network connections by providing network signalling and local traffic control setup functionality for QoS (Quality of Service)-aware programs. Often makes connections slower instead of faster.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_REMOTEREGISTRY=Enables remote users to change the Windows® Registry settings on your computer. Useless for 99% of all users and also a potential security hazard!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_RDSESSMGR=Manages and controls Remote Assistance. This service is also a potential security hazard and if you don't want to use remote desktop assistance (which) you should deactivate it.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_SSDPSRV=Enables the discovery of UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) devices on home networks. If you don't want this or aren't connected to a network you can deactivate this service.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_SENS=Tracks system events like Windows® logon and network and power supply events. In 99% of all cases this is only needed in administered or corporate networks.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_SCHEDULE=Enables you to configure and schedule automated tasks on your computer. You can deactivate this service if you don't use the task scheduler.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_TLNTSVR=Enables remote users to log onto your computers and run programs. Useless for 99% of all users and also a potentially serious security hazard!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_TERMSERVICE=Allows multiple users to establish interactive connections to your computer and display your desktop and applications on remote computers. Required for Remote Desktop, Fast User Switching, Remote Assistance and Terminal Server.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_UPS=Manages an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) if one is connected to your computer. If you're like 99% of all users and don't have one of these you can turn this service off.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_ALERTER=Notifies selected users and computers of administrative alerts. Completely useless for 99% of all users.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_SERVICE_W32TIME=Maintains date and time synchronization on all clients and servers in the network. If you deactivate this service you cannot synchronize your date and time with an Internet time server!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_AR_REG_ALL_RUN=Registry - All Users, "Run" Section
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_AR_REG_ALL_RUNONCE=Registry - All Users, "Run Once" Section
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_AR_REG_ALL_RUNSERVICES=Registry - All Users, "Run Services" Section
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_AR_REG_ALL_RUNSERVICESONCE=Registry - All Users, "Run Services Once" Section
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_AR_REG_CURRENT_RUN=Registry - Current User, "Run" Section
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_AR_REG_CURRENT_RUNONCE=Registry - Current User, "Run Once" Section
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_AR_REG_CURRENT_RUNSERVICES=Registry - Current User, "Run Services" Section
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_AR_REG_CURRENT_RUNSERVICESONCE=Registry - Current User, "Run Services Once" Section
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_NOBACKUPSELECTED=Please select a backup from the list!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_REALLYDELETEBACKUP=Are you sure that you want to delete the selected backup file?
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_UNINSTALLDELETE=Are you sure that you want to delete the %CRLF%1 %CRLFsoftware entry?
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_UNINSTALLEDIT=Are you sure that you want to edit the %CRLF%1 %CRLFsoftware entry? This will replace the command line entry.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_AUTOSTARTDELETE=Are you sure that you want to delete the %CRLF%1 %CRLFsoftware entry?
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_AUTOSTARTEDIT=Are you sure that you want to edit the %CRLF%1 %CRLFautostart entry? This will replace the command line entry.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ST_AUTOSTARTEDIT_UNCHANGED=You did not change the command line.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_STNEW_NONAME=You must specify a name for the new entry!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_STNEW_NOCMDLINE=You must specify a valid commandline for the new entry!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_STNEW_REALLY=Are you sure you want to add this new autostart entry?
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_IP_NOVISTA=This module is not available in Windows Vista™ because the messaging service used by IP spam has been removed from Vista.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_IP_SURETORESET=Are you sure you want to reset the settings to the Windows® defaults?
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FW_NOFOLDER=Please select a valid directory!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FW_DRIVESELECTED=You have selected a drive. Are you sure that you want to wipe entire contents of the drive?
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FW_EMPTYFOLDERSELECTED=The directory you have chosen appears to be empty!%CRLFPlease choose a different directory.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FW_REALLYDELETE=Are you sure that you want to delete the selected %1 objects permanently?%CRLFThis process can not be undone, all selected files will be deleted forever!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FW_REALLYDELETEFOLDER=Are you absolutely sure that you want to permanently delete the %CRLFselected directory and all the %1 files and subfolders it contains?%CRLFYou CANNOT recover these files and folders if you proceed!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FW_EMPTYRECYCLEBIN=The recycle bin is empty, nothing to delete!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FW_NOFILES=Please select at least one file for wiping.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_FW_ABORTED=File wipe process aborted by user.%CRLF%1 files have already been wiped.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_IC_NOTHINGFOUND=No items selected for deletion.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_IC_NOTHINTODELETE=No items have been selected for deletion.%CRLFYou must select at least 1 item for deletion in the Details section.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_IC_DELETEDALL=All selected Internet items deleted successfully.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_IC_DELETEDNOTALL=%1 of the selected %2 Internet data items deleted successfully.%CRLFHowever, %3 Internet data items could not be deleted!%CRLFPlease close any running applications and try again.%CRLFCheck the Details section to see the undeleted items.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_IC_SURESAFECOOKIE=Add seleted cookies to trusted sites?%CRLFThis will only affect cookies for "Internet Explorer".
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_NO64BIT=This module is currently not supported in 64-bit versions of Windows®. Select "Check for Updates" in the Internet menu to see if an update is available to change this.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PM_KILLPROCESS=Are you sure that you want to terminate the active process%CRLF%1?%CRLFTerminating active processes can cause system instability or data loss!
Form_WO4_FW.HTMLabel1=File Wiper deletes individual files and folders so thoroughly that they can never be restored, <br>not even with specialized software or in professional data recovery laboratories. Select one <br>of the options below to begin.
Form_WO4_FW.UniHTMLabel11=Please choose one of the following options:
Form_WO4_FW.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Files=Wipe files
Form_WO4_FW.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Folder=Wipe folders
Form_WO4_FW.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Recycle=Wipe recycle bin
Form_WO4_FW.UniHTMLabel12=<b>Warning:</b><br>Note that files deleted with File Wiper can <b>NEVER</b> be recovered.<br>Once you wipe files they are gone forever, so use this tool with care!
Form_WO4_FW.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Options=Edit options
Form_WO4_FW.HTMLabel3=The options you set here will be used for all wipe operations. If you are not sure <br>what to choose please just leave all the settings unchanged.
Form_WO4_FW.TntGroupBox1=Wiping Method
Form_WO4_FW.RadioButton_FWMethode1=Standard (3 overwrite passes; quite a lot more secure and only takes a little longer)
Form_WO4_FW.RadioButton_FWMethode2=Military Standard "DoD 5220.22-M" (7 overwrite passes; very secure, very slow)
Form_WO4_FW.RadioButton_FWMethode3=Gutmann-Method (35 overwrite passes; impossible to recover, very slow)
Form_WO4_FW.CheckBox_FWRename=Rename files and folders before wiping (recommended)
Form_WO4_FW.CheckBox_FWRemoveEmtpyFolders=Delete empty folders after wiping
Form_WO4_FW.CheckBox_FWTestmode=Test mode (names of wiped files and folders remain visible in Windows Explorer)
Form_WO4_FW.UniHTMLabel3=When you select Start the files selected below will be deleted permanently.<br>To add files to the list select Add or just drag them into the list box<br>from the Windows Explorer.
Form_WO4_FW.UniHTMLabel2=When you select Start all the files and folders listed below will be deleted permanently.<br>You will <u>never</u> be able to recover these files after wiping them!
Form_WO4_FW.TntGroupBox3=Permanently delete folders and their contents
Form_WO4_FW.UniHTMLabel5=<b>Wiping files...</b><br>The selected files and folders are now being permanently deleted.<br>After wiping the data can never be recovered. You can click Cancel<br>at any time to abort but files already wiped are still gone forever.
Form_WO4_IC.HTMLabel1=When you surf the Internet records of all the pages you visit, their contents and all the files you download are stored on your computer. In addition to compromising your privacy, these records also waste space on your hard drive.
Form_WO4_IC.UniHTMLabel1=Please select one of the following options:
Form_WO4_IC.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Start=Start a new search
Form_WO4_IC.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Verlauf=Delete Windows® History
Form_WO4_IC.UniHTMLabel2=Now scanning for selected Internet data types. This can take a couple of minutes on large <br>hard drives - please be patient. You can cancel the process at any time.
Form_WO4_IC.UniHTMLabel10=Internet data was found on your computer which can be deleted now.<br>Select Details for more information and to select or de-select the items.<br>Click on "Next" to delete the selected items.
Form_WO4_IC.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Delete=Delete all selected items (listed in Details)
Form_WO4_IC.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Details=Show Details
Form_WO4_IC.NikiSTButtonGDIP_NewSearch=Start a new search
Form_WO4_IC.UniHTMLabel11=Please choose one of the following options:
Form_WO4_IC.UniHTMLabel3=Deleting selected items now. This process may take some time if there are many items - <br>please be patient. You can cancel the process at any time.
Form_WO4_IC.UniHTMLabel5=Internet Cleaner can locate and delete the surfing records stored by different Internet <br>browsers. If a browser uses profiles the program will check and clear all the records <br>associated with all that browser's profiles. Browsers shown greyed out in the list are not <br>installed or could not be found by the program.
Form_WO4_IC.UniHTMLabel6=Surfing on the Internet creates several different kinds of files and entries on your computer. <br>Some of these, particularly the temporary Internet files (browser cache) can always be <br>deleted safely.<br><br>Others have "convenience" functions that you may lose if you delete them. For example, <br>if you delete the browser history the browser's auto-complete function will lose its "memory".
Form_WO4_IC.UniHTMLabel7=The cache contains copies of all the web pages you visit (including graphics). Next time you visit the pages any unchanged content is loaded from the cache to speed up browsing. Since these files are always restored by the browser every time you visit a page they can always be deleted safely.
Form_WO4_IC.UniHTMLabel8=Cookies are small text files that Internet sites save on your computer. They are often used to save <br>information like settings and passwords so that you don't have to enter them again the next time <br>you visit. More information you see on the "Cookies" tab.
Form_WO4_IC.UniHTMLabel9=The browser history records the addresses of all the Internet pages you visit. This data is used <br>for the auto-complete and drop-down address list functions in the browser's Address field. If your <br>privacy is more important to you than this convenience you can also delete these records. <br>IMPORTANT: The browser history is not the same thing as the Windows® History folder, which can <br>be cleared with a separate Internet Cleaner function.
Form_WO4_IC.CheckBox_IC_Cache=Data in the browser cache
Form_WO4_IC.UniHTMLabel4=<b>Keep cookies for trusted sites (Internet Explorer only)</b><br>Normally Internet Cleaner deletes all cookies. However, some cookes are useful - for example <br>they can be used to store your user names and passwords for accessing trusted websites for <br>which you are registered. If you delete these cookies you must re-enter your user name and <br>password every time you visit these sites. This function allows you to protect cookies for <br>websites that you trust.
Form_WO4_IC.CheckBox_KeepCookies=Protect cookies for these trusted websites (Internet Explorer only)
Form_WO4_IC.Popup_Cookies=Add to Trusted Sites for IE-Cookies
Form_WO4_IP.UniHTMLabel1=A growing number of Internet users are complaining about a new kind of popup advertising windows <br>that suddenly appear on their screens. This new kind of spam, known as “IP spam” or “net spam”, <br>is generated through the internal Windows® messaging service, which is actually a tool provided <br>to enable network administrators to send messages to multiple users via the network.(It shouldn’t <br> be confused with the Windows® Messenger instant messaging program, which is completely different.) <br><br>Advertisers are now increasingly abusing this service by sending messages to large blocks of random IP <br>addresses via the Internet. If you are online with an IP address that happens to be included in the block <br>the message will suddenly appear on your screen if the Windows® messaging service is active on your <br>computer.
Form_WO4_IP.TntLabel3=Example of IP Spam / Netspam
Form_WO4_IP.Label_Weiter1=Next >>
Form_WO4_IP.UniHTMLabel2=This service is activated by default in Windows® 2000 and XP. IP Spam Blocker enables you to turn <br>it off so that you will no longer receive any annoying IP spam messages. Of course, you should only <br>deactivate the Windows® messaging service if you are sure that you don't need it. If you are not sure<br>ask your network administrator if the service is required in your network. (If you only have a private<br>home network you don't need the service.)
Form_WO4_IP.Label_Zurueck1=<< Back
Form_WO4_IP.TntGroupBox2=Messaging service:
Form_WO4_IP.Label_Unavailable=Windows® messaging service is not installed!
Form_WO4_IP.Label_ON=Windows® messaging service active
Form_WO4_IP.Label_OFF=Windows® messaging service deactivated
Form_WO4_IP.Button_OFF=Deactivate service
Form_WO4_IP.Button_ON=Activate service
Form_WO4_PM.UniHTMLabel_Wait=<b>Generating process list. Please wait...</b>
Form_WO4_PM.UniHTMLabel13=This screen and the following screen displays technical information on the selected process. <br>Some of this information will generally only be meaningful for experienced users.
Form_WO4_PM.GroupBox_Info1=Executable File
Form_WO4_PM.GroupBox_Info2=Active Process
Form_WO4_PM.TntLabel9=Tray icons:
Form_WO4_PM.TntLabel6=Taskbar icons:
Form_WO4_PM.ListView_Fenster=Visible%CRLFTitle bar%CRLFWindow class
Form_WO4_ST.HTMLabel1=This module displays programs that are started automatically with Windows® and allows you <br>to edit the entries. Many autostart programs are useful applications like virus scanners and<br>firewalls so please always check before you disable them!
Form_WO4_ST.UniHTMLabel11=Please choose one of the following options:
Form_WO4_ST.UniHTMLabel4=This list displays all the applications that are started automatically with Windows®. <br>Please click on Help for instructions on using the functions here.
Form_WO4_ST.UniHTMLabel3=This list shows a number of common services that are loaded when Windows® starts.<br>Many of the services listed here are unnecessary for most users and can be safely deactivated.<br>Even so, please use with caution - this function is designed for experienced users!
Form_WO4_ST.GroupBox_Dienste=Description of selected service:
Form_WO4_ST.Button_Dienst2=Start when needed
Form_WO4_ST.UniHTMLabel2=The list below shows all the entries for installed programs in Add/Remove Programs module in <br>the Windows® Control Panel. You can edit the entries' names and command lines and delete<br>obsolete entries. Use with caution - for experienced users only!
Form_WO4_ST.UniHTMLabel1=Internet Explorer can use plugins known as "Browser Helper Objects" to provide additional <br>functions. Unfortunately, spyware and other malicious programs often also install plugins that <br>can compromise your computer's security. The list below shows all the plugins currently <br>installed and allows you to remove them. Note that if you remove a plugin you may need to <br>reinstall the software associated with it to reactivate the plugin!
Form_WO4_ST.ListView_PlugIns=Name%CRLFDLL File
Form_WO4_ST.UniHTMLabel5=The list below shows all the backups created by this program module.<br>The date and time when the changes were made are shown for each backup.<br>You can restore the changes stored in the backups or delete backups that you <br>no longer need.
Form_STNew.UniHTMLabel1=You can add applications that will started automatically with Windows.<br>Please consider that adding certain applications may cause major problems!
Form_STNew.GroupBox_Autostart=New entry
Form_STNew.CheckBox_AllUsers=Create for all users (or only for current user if not selected)
Form_Shareware.Button_test=Continue trial...
Form_Shareware.Button_Code=Enter Code
Form_Shareware.Button_Check=Check Code
Form_Shareware.Button_30days=Get Free 30-day Trial Version
Form_Shareware.Button_Buy=Buy Now
Form_Shareware.Button_FullKey=Get Full Version
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_NOINFECTIONSFOUND=Scan completed. No infections found!
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_TEXT_SCANNINGNOW=The selected items are now being scanned for infections and threats.<br>This can take a few minutes. You can cancel the operation at any<br>time. When the scan is complete a report will be displayed showing<br>any infections found so that you can remove them if necessary.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_INFECTIONSFOUND=%1 infections found! (Scan time %2 minutes)
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_NOITEMSSELECTED=Please select at least 1 item in the list.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_ASK_LEAVEINFECTIONS=One or more infections are <b>unselected!</b><br>These infections will remain active and can continue to cause problems!<br>Are you really sure that you do not want to remove these infections?<br>Click on <b>Yes</b> to remove the selected infections only.<br>Click on <b>No</b> to return to the infection selection dialog.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ASKCHECKBOX_LEAVEINFECTIONS=In future always answer "Yes" and don't display this prompt again.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_NOTALLINFECTIONSREMOVED=Sorry, not all infections could be removed successfully!%CRLF%2 of the %1 selected infections could not be removed.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_REMOVED_NEEDREBOOT=%1 of the infected objects are currently in use and cannot be disinfected <br>now. You must restart your computer to remove these infections.<br><br>Please click on <b>OK</b> now to exit the AntiSpyWare program and then<br>restart your computer.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_ASKRESTOREQUARANTINE=Are you sure that you want to restore the %1 selected objects?<br>Doing this will reactivate the quarantined objects and it is quite<br>possible that this will reinfect your system!!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ASKCHECKBOX_RESTOREQUARANTINE=In future always answer "Yes" and don't display this prompt again.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_TITLEASKDELETEQUARANTINE=Permanently delete the selected quarantined objects?
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_ASKDELETEQUARANTINE=Are you sure you want to delete the %1 selected objects? <br>These objects cannot be restored if you do this!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ASKCHECKBOX_DELETEQUARANTINE=In future always answer "Yes" and don't display this prompt again.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ALLQUARANTINERESTORED=All %1 selected items have been restored successfully.%CRLFNote that this has reactivated the items, which may now reinfect your system!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_NOTALLQUARANTINERESTORED=Not all selected items could be restored!%CRLF%1 of the %2 selected items were restored successfully, but the %CRLFremaining %3 items could not be restored! Please note that the%CRLFrestored items are now active and may reinfect your system!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ALLQUARANTINEDELETED=All %1 items have been permanently deleted.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_NOTALLQUARANTINEDELETED=Not all selected items could be restored!%CRLF%1 of the %2 selected items were restored successfully, but the %CRLFremaining %3 items could not be restored!
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_QUARANTINEDEFAULT=Use the mouse to select items in the list, then select <b>Restore</b> or <b>Delete</b> to restore them or remove them permanently.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_QUARANTINEMULTISELECT=%1 object(s) from the quarantine list selected. You can now select <b>Restore</b> or <b>Delete</b> to restore them or remove them permanently.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_QUARANTINEFILESELECT=The file <b>%1</b> was infected with <b>%2</b>. You can restore this file but if you do you will reactivate the infection!
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_QUARANTINEREGSELECT=The Windows® Registry key <b>%1</b> was infected with <b>%2</b>. You can restore this key but if you do you will reactivate the infection!
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_QUARANTINEPROCSELECT=The process <b>%1</b> was infected with <b>%2</b>.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ASK_SURETODELETESTARTUP=Are you sure you want to remove the entry%CRLF%1 now?%CRLFIf you do this the program will no longer be started with Windows.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ASK_SURETOQUITPROC=Are you sure that you want to terminate the process%CRLF%1 now?%CRLFForcing processes to end can make your system become instable or crash!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_CANTQUITPROC=Could not end the selected process. It may be in use by the system.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ASKTITLE_WILLRESTORE=Restoring would overwrite files!
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_ASK_WILLRESTORE=Restoring %1 of the selected items would overwrite existing files with<br>infected files. Are you really sure you want to overwrite these files?<br><br>Select <b>Yes</b> to continue and overwrite the files.<br>Select <b>No</b> to cancel and leave the files intact.<br><br>If you select "No" some objects will not be restored.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_UPDATE_STATUS_DOWNLOADED=<b>%1 new signature files installed successfully</b>
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_UPDATE_STATUS_NONEWS=<b>No new updates available</b>
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_UPDATE_ERROR=Update server not available or no Internet connection! It is also possible %CRLFthat you have a Firewall that is preventing access to the server.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_UPDATE_DOWNLOADERROR=Error downloading the file %1 !%CRLFPlease check your Internet connection and your free hard disk space. The %CRLFconnection to the server may have been interrupted. Please try again later.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_SERVERCRASHED=Unexpected error encountered during scan!%CRLFIt is possible that the scan has not been completed. %CRLFPlease restart your computer and repeat the scan.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_LSERVER_GLOBALERROR=Cannot connect to license server! Please make sure that you are connected<br>to the Internet and then try again. It is also possible that the server is<br>currently not available. If this is the case then just try again later.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_LSERVER_GENERALERROR=Incorrect data received from license server!<br>It is possible that the server is being serviced or has been restarted<br>Please wait for a while and then try again later.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_LSERVER_ERROR157=<br>Your license for signature updates is invalid or has expired!<br>If you wish to continue using the signature update service <br>you must purchase a new license.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_LSERVER_ERROR151=Your 10-day free trial period has ended. No more signature<br>updates can be downloaded for this computer.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_LSERVER_ERROR158=Your version of the program is outdated! To be able to download new<br>signatures you must update the program. To update please start the <br>main program and select <b>Online Update</b> in the <b>Help</b> menu.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_LSERVER_ERROR159=Due to frequent abuse we are no longer able to offer signature updates<br>during the free 10-day trial period. To obtain updates please select<br><b>30-day Free Trial</b> in the <b>Internet</b> and register for the 30-day trial. <br>You will be able to download free signature updates during this trial.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_LSERVER_ERROR160=Sorry, your license key for signature updates is invalid or has expired!<br>To be able download to download signature updates again you must<br>purchase a license or an extension for your existing license.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_LSERVER_ERROR161=Your license key is valid. However you must download at least one <br>signature update so that the system can check the expiry date<br>for your license.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_LSERVER_ERROR162=Invalid activation code!<br>Please check your code and try again.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_LSERVER_ERROR163=This activation code has already been used!<br>It is possible that you have already used the code to extend your <br>license. If this is not the case please contact Ashampoo Support.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_LSERVER_ERRORGENERIC=An error has occurred on the server (Code %1).<br>Please wait for a while and try again later. If the<br>problem continues please contact Ashampoo support.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_GUARD_ERRORQUARANTINE=Unable to quarantine file!%CRLFThis file may currently be in use by Windows or an application.%CRLFPlease restart Windows and try again.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_GUARD_NAGTEXT=Your free trail period for this product has ended. %CRLFThe AntiSpy Guard feature is thus no longer available and will now be deactivated.%CRLFFor more information please start the Ashampoo AntiSpyWare program.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_EMPTYRENEWCODE=You must enter a valid activation code before selecting ENTER.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RENEWCODE_ACCEPTED=Valid activation code! Your license has been extended by 1 year.%CRLFPlease note that it will take the server a few minutes to register your new license.%CRLFYou can use "Check License Period" in the Internet menu to check your license.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RD_NAGTEXT=Your trial period for the product is now over.%CRLFRootkit Detector has now been disabled and will be terminated.%CRLFFor more information please start Ashampoo AntiSpyWare.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RD_NOTHINGFOUND=No hidden objects found on your system!%CRLFTo search again you must restart Rootkit Detector.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_RD_INFO_MODULE=This module has been hidden from Windows and applications after loading.<br>It cannot be removed at runtime. To remove it make a note of the file name.<br>Then restart your computer in safe mode, search for the file and delete it.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_RD_INFO_PROCESS=You can try to force this process to terminate. However, it is possible that<br>the rootkit includes protection against such attempts. If it doesn't work<br>make a note of the file name, then restart your computer in safe mode, <br>search for the file and delete it.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_RD_INFO_SERVICE=You can try to force this service to terminate. However, it is possible that<br>the rootkit includes protection against such attempts. If you try please<br>be patient. Stopping a service can take up to 2 minutes!
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_RD_INFO_REGKEY=You can try to delete this registry key by force. However, it is possible<br>that the rootkit includes protection that will block such attempts.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_RD_INFO_REGVALUE=You can try to delete this registry value by force. However, it is possible<br>that the rootkit includes protection that will block such attempts.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_RD_INFO_FOLDER=You can try to delete this folder by force. However, it is possible<br>that the rootkit includes protection that will block such attempts.<br>If it does the attempt may cause error messages or even a crash.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_RD_INFO_FILE=You can try to delete this file by force. However, it is possible<br>that the rootkit includes protection that will block such attempts.<br>If it does the attempt may cause error messages or even a crash.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RD_PROCTERMINATED=The process was terminated successfully.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RD_PROCNOTTERMINATED=Sorry, the process could not be terminated.%CRLFThe rootkit probably includes protection against termination.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RD_SERVICETERMINATED=The service was terminated successfully.%CRLFThis has probably also terminated some of the rootkit functions. You should now perform a%CRLFnew scan with Ashampoo AntiSpyWare to located files, processes and registry entries that%CRLFwere previously hidden!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RD_SERVICENOTTERMINATED=Sorry, the service could not be terminated.%CRLFThe rootkit may include protection against termination. It is also possible that the service crashed%CRLFduring the attempt and has been partially removed. Run Rootkit Detector again to check this!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RD_REGKEYTERMINATED=The Registry key was deleted successfully.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RD_REGKEYNOTTERMINATED=Sorry, the Registry key could not be deleted.%CRLFIt is probably protected against deletion by the rootkit.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RD_FOLDERTERMINATED=The folder was deleted successfully.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RD_FOLDERNOTTERMINATED=Sorry, the folder could not be deleted.%CRLFIt is probably protected against deletion by the rootkit. Try starting %CRLFWindows in Safe mode -- you may then be able to delete the folder.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RD_FILETERMINATED=The file was deleted successfully.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RD_FILENOTTERMINATED=Sorry, the file could not be deleted.%CRLFIt is probably protected against deletion by the rootkit. Try starting %CRLFWindows in Safe mode -- you may then be able to delete the file.
Form_AASWGuard_Ask.UniHTMLabel1=Attempt to start an infected file identified!<br>If this file is executed it could infect your <br>computer with malicious software!
Form_AASW_RenewLic.Form_AASW_RenewLic=Enter Activation Code for License Extension
Form_AASW_RenewLic.UniHTMLabel1=After purchasing a license extension you will receive an email with an activation<br>code. Please enter this code in the field below exactly as it is shown in the mail.<br>The code is case-sensitive! Then click on <b>Activate</b>.
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.UniHTMLabel_ScanAll=<b><a href="1">Scan Entire System</a></b><br>Performs a full scan of your memory, the Windows® registry and all of your hard disks.<br>This can take a while to complete.
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.UniHTMLabel_ScanMemory=<b><a href="1">Scan Memory</a></b><br>Scans the contents of your memory and loaded program files for infections.
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.UniHTMLabel_ScanRegistry=<b><a href="1">Scan Windows® Registry</a></b><br>Scans the Windows® Registry database for infections.
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.UniHTMLabel_Scan_HDDs=<b><a href="1">Scan all Hard Drives</a></b><br>Scans all your local hard drives for infections.
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.UniHTMLabel_Scan_Folder=<b><a href="1">Scan Selected Hard Drive / Folder</a></b><br>Scans a single hard drive or folder for infections.
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.Label21=Full Scan
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.Label22=Selected Scans
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.UniHTMLabel_Scan_FastSystem=<b><a href="1">Scan System Areas</a></b><br>Scans your memory, the Windows® Registry and important system folders.
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.CheckBox_options_Archive=Scan in compressed archives (ZIP etc.)
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.CheckBox_Options_NTFSADS=Scan NTFS alternative data streams (NTFSADS)
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.CheckBox_InfectionFilter_Spyware=Identify and report spyware in files (has no effect on Registry entries, cookies and processes)
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.CheckBox_Options_Heuristic=Use heuristic analysis to identify unknown threats
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.CheckBox_InfectionFilter_Riskware=Identify and report riskware
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.CheckBox_InfectionFilter_Cookies=Report tracking cookies that can compromise your privacy
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.CheckBox_Report_ExtraCheckRegistry=Exclude false alarms upon infections of the registry database (recommended urgently)
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.CheckBox_TotalDeleteCookies=Remove cookies without saving an encrypted copy in the Quarantine section
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.UniHTMLabel_AutoStartManager=<b><a href="1">Autostart Manager</a></b><br>Manage applications started automatically with Windows. Spyware and other malware are often started like this.
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.UniHTMLabel_ProzessManager=<b><a href="1">Process Manager</a></b><br>View running processes and terminate them if necessary.
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.UniHTMLabel_IC=<b><a href="1">Internet Cleaner</a></b><br>Locate and delete records of your surfing activity that could compromise your privacy.
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.UniHTMLabel_FW=<b><a href="1">File Wiper</a></b><br>Permanently delete files and folders so that they can never be recovered.
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.UniHTMLabel_IPSPamBlocker=<b><a href="1">IP Spam Blocker</a></b><br>Blocks spam popups sent with the Windows® messaging service.
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.UniHTMLabel_RootKit=<b><a href="1">Rootkit Detector</a></b><br>Helps you to identify rootkits on your computer (see Help for details).
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.UniHTMLabel5=The selected infections are now being removed.<br>This operation can take a couple of minutes, please be patient.<br>You can cancel the operation at any time. However, if you do the <br>infections will remain active and continue to threaten your system.
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.UniHTMLabel7=The selected quarantined items are now being restored. <br>This operation can take a couple of minutes, please be patient.<br>You can cancel the operation at any time. However, if you do the <br>items that have not yet been restored will remain in quarantine.
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.UniHTMLabel_HostFileChecker=<b><a href="1">Hostsfile Checker</a></b><br>Checks the so-called Windows "hosts" file for changes through malware.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_NOINFECTIONSELECTED=You have not selected any infection for removal!<br>You have to select at least one infection from the list.<br>Click on "Main Screen" on the left if all infections<br>should be retained. This will leave your system infected!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_PROT_EXPORTDONE=The log has been exported successfully.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ASK_RESETANSWERS2=Sometimes this software will ask you a question or show a message<br>which you can hide automatically in the future.<br>You can also undo this decision and show all questions and messages again.<br>To do this, click on "Yes".
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_LSERVER_ERROR168=Your license key is not valid for signature updates or it has expired.<br>Therefore you are not or no longer authorised to download signature updates.<br>Please buy the full software version.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_LSERVER_VALIDTILL=Your license key is valid for the download of signature updates<br>until: <FONT color="#FF0000">%1</FONT><br><br>This means you still have <FONT color="#FF0000">%2</FONT> days until a new license is required.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_LSERVER_INVALIDSINCE=Your license key is <FONT color="#FF0000">no longer valid</FONT> for the download of signature updates!<br>License keys expired on: %1<br>This means for %2 days the license key has not been authorised<br>to download signature updates.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_AUTODOWNLOAD_INTRO=If you activate this option, the software wil search for <br>new signatures on the Internet once a day and <br>download them automatically. This means you can be sure<br>that the software is always up to date.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_GUARD_INTRO=The real-time Guard supervises all applications started <br>on this computer and analyses them for possible malicious software<br>before the execution. This prevents malicious software from <br>getting onto the computer and spreading from there.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_LSP_INTRO=LSP's (Layered Service Provider) are WinSock extensions which can hardly<br>be detected with the usual Windows on-board tools.<br>Malicious software may install own LSP's unnoticed and then collect and <br>send sensitive data such as credit card numbers and passwords.<br>If this option is active, you have to confirm the installation of an LSP.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_BHO_INTRO=BHO's (Browser Helper Objects) are extensions for the browser<br>"Microsoft Internet Explorer". Malicious software may install such <br>extensions to show own buttons and toolbars in the browser<br>or to collect data. If this option is activated, you have <br>to confirm the installation of an BHO.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_AUTORUNGUARD_INTRO=Applications can be started automatically upon the start of Windows.<br>This is also used by malicious software. This option allows you to <br>control whether new applications should be executed automatically<br>upon the start of Windows.<br>If this option is active, you have to confirm whether an application<br>is to be executed automatically upon the start of Windows.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_HOSTSFILE_INTRO=The Hostsfile may be used by malicious software to redirect the access on<br>certain Internet sites to fake sites.<br>Also, sometimes the access to update servers of antivirus software<br>is blocked by entries in the host file. If this option is active <br>you have to confirm entries in the Hostsfile.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RD_EXBAR3=Search for rootkits
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_HV_PANEL3=Comments/Blank lines:
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_HV_DESC_COMMENT=This entry is a harmless comment and does nothing.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_HV_DESC_DEFAULTFILTER=This entry belongs to a standard filter required by Windows.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_HV_DESC_FITLER=This entry filters the Internet address (or server) "%1".<br>This server can therefore <b>not</b> be accessed by your system.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_HV_DESC_REDIRECT=This entry redirects the address "%1" to the IP "%2". This means a fake site may be opened!<br><b>This entry is suspicious!</b>
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_HV_REALLY_OVERWRITE=Are you sure you want to replace the current Hostsfile with the original Windows file?%CRLFThis means that all changes, filters and redirections in the Hostsfile would be lost!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_HV_OVERWRITEN=The Hostsfile was replaced by a copy of the original Windows file.%CRLFYou should restart Windows now.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_HV_ANALYSE_OK=You current Windows Hostsfile contains only comments or the default entries, which<br>every host file needs to contain. This Hostsfile is harmless and not dangerous.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_HV_ANALYSE_WARN=Your current Windows Hostsfile contains filter entries that were installed either manually<br>or by an adblocker or filter software such as for the protection of children.<br>Therefore some Internet addresses may not be reached by your system.<br>However, entries which could redirect to fake sites do not exist<br>on your system.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_HV_ANALYSE_REDIRECTS=Your current Windows Hostsfile contains redirections which redirect certain Internet<br>addresses to a different IP. This means that fake Internet sites may be shown<br>to mislead you! You should check these entries or replace the Hostsfile<br>with a copy of the true original file (see options below).
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_HV_ANALYSE_DETAILS=<b>Details:</b><br>%1 Addresses are redirected to a different IP (points to potential fraud)<br>%2 Address are copied. This may have been entered, for instance, by adblockers.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_HV_REALLY_DELETE=Are you sure you want to remove the selected entry from the Hostsfile?%CRLFThis cannot be undone.
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_HV_CANT_DELETE=This default entry is important for Windows and cannot be deleted!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_HV_HOSTSFILE_INUSE=The required file "hosts" is currently reserved exclusively by another application!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_ONLINE_NOTHINGSELECTED=You have to select a detected infection in the list to see details on the infection in the online database.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_ASK_CRASHGUARD_WARN=The latest start of the real-time protection seems to have caused a crash.<br>Therefore the real-time protection <b>not</b> started automatically now!<br>Please contact support (see Internet menu) if the problem<br>reoccurs.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_ASK_RESETOPTIONS=Shall all preferences be reset?<br>This will also reset all preferences for the task planner, proxy, whitelist etc.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_GUARD_SUSPICIOUS_FILE=A file with a suspicious double extension is to be started!<br>Such files are often sent as e-mail attachments and <br>are often infected. Click on Admit only if <br>you trust the sender or if the file is <br>known to you.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_GUARD_LSP=A Winsock-LSP is to be installed in the system!<br>If this is unexpected for you, it could be a sign for<br>an infection!
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_GUARD_BHO=A BHO for the "Microsoft Internet Explorer" is to be installed!<br>If this is unexpected for you, it could be a sign<br>for an infection!
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_GUARD_AUTOSTART=An autostart entry is to be created in the system!<br>This usually happens with installations or the first start of<br>an application. If the file is unknown to you or if this<br>happens unexpectedly, it could be a sign for an infection!
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_GUARD_HOSTSFILE=The Windows Hostsfile was changed!<br>If this is unexpected to you, it could be a sign <br>for an infection! You can undo changes in the <br>Hostsfile by clicking "Undo".
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_ASK_CUSTOMSCAN_NOTHING=You have to select at least one object to be scanned.<br>Otherwise no customised scan can be performed.
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_ASK_ADDINFECTION=Enter the name of an infection or a file name to refrain from<br>analysing all infections or files with this name in the future.<br>Such infections will no longer be found.<br>This constitutes a safety risk!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_RENEWLIC_NOPRODUCTKEYPLZ=Please to <b>not/b> enter your product key in the entry field, but <br>the key for the signature update license you acquired!
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_GADGET_GTEXT1=Which scan shall be carried out via "Start"?
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_GADGET_GTEXT2=Which information is to be displayed?
MESSAGES.MESSAGE_GADGET_GTEXT3=You can find security information on
Form_ASW2_HV.UniHTMLabel1=The Hostsfile is used by all Windows versions for the name resolution of servers.<br>This may be used, for instance by adblockers and Internet filters, to block access to<br>certain Internet sites. Unfortunately, it can also be used to redirect the access<br>to a fake Internet site!<br>Some malware also uses the Hostsfile to block the access to update servers for antivirus and <br>anti-spyware products, thus preventing correct updates for the security software.
Form_ASW2_HV.UniHTMLabel2=Please select one of the following options:
Form_ASW2_HV.UniHTMLabel3=The analysis of your current Hostsfile:
Form_ASW2_HV.NikiSTButtonGDIP_ShowSuspicous=Show suspicious entries now ; hide harmless entries
Form_ASW2_HV.UniHTMLabel_NotOkMoreOptionsHeader=Please select one of the following options:
Form_ASW2_LSP.UniHTMLabel1=So-called "Layered Service Provider" (LSP) are WinSock extensions, and as such they<br>are used by nearly every Windows application which creates or accepts local<br>or Internet connections. The dangerous thing about LSP's is that their installation with on-board<br>Windows tools does not require the confirmation of the user and therefore often goes unnoticed.<br><br>Once installed, LSP's can execute nearly any code and do a lot of damage.
Form_ASW2_LSP.UniHTMLabel3=Please select one of the following options:
Form_ASW2_LSP.UniHTMLabel_NoneSelected=Please select an LSP to see more information.
Form_ASW2_LSP.TntLabel1=Catalogue ID:
Form_ASW2_RD.UniHTMLabel_IC=Rootkits are applications installing themselves in the system in such a way that the processes,<br>files and registry entries belonging to the rootkit are concealed from Windows as well as from<br>most applications. This means that most virus scanners are not able to detect rootkits, as<br>these rely on Windows for the lists of<br>system objects.
Form_ASW2_RD.UniHTMLabel1=Please select one of the following options:
Form_ASW2_RD.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Start=Search for hidden system objects (rootkits) now
Form_ASW2_RD.NikiSTButtonGDIP_Options=Edit preferences for the rootkit detector
Form_ASW2_RD.UniHTMLabel2=<b>Searching for signs of rootkits</b><br>Hidden system components are searched. This may take some time.<br>Please not that the applications may not be able to react for some time.<br>this is normal and not a cause for concern. Please be patient.
Form_ASW2_RD.UniHTMLabel3=<b>Hidden objects found!</b><br>Hidden objects have been detected on your system! This could be a sign for an active rootkit,<br>as "normal" applications do not hide from the system. Do a left click on<br>an item in the list below to know more about the object or <br>remove it. Please refer to the information in the help file if problems occur.
Form_ASW2_RD.UniHTMLabel4=You may define here which types of hidden system objects are to be searched. <br>Usually you should not change these settings.
Form_ASW2_RD.TntGroupBox1=Object types
Form_ASW2_RD.CheckBox_Find_Drivers=Search hidden system drivers
Form_ASW2Guard_Lists.UniHTMLabel1=The real-time Guard allows you with regard to allowing or blocking LSP's, BHO's and autostart entries<br>to allow or block the respective process permanently. This is helpful, for instance, <br>for applications that want to execute such a process for every start.<br>Here you can undo these decisions.
Form_ASW2_Guard.TrayMenu_UpdateNow=Start signature update now
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.Label15_New=Summary of the protective mechanisms
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.Label_Option_DescriptionFIXED=Information on the selected protective mechanism
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.HTMLLabel_Option_DescriptionFIXED=Please click on one of the options above to see a description <br>of the selected option here.
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.UniHTMLabel12=<b><a href="1">Customised scan</a></b><br>Scans several items and folders as selected by the user for infections
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.UniHTMLabel1=These options refer to all scan processes - with the exception of the real-time Guard.<br>Inexperienced users should not change these settings.
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.CheckBox_Report_NotaXYZ2=Report infections whose behaviour resembles infected source code (recommended only as exception)
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.UniHTMLabel2=These options refer to the whitelist containing all folders, files and infections to be excluded from the <br>scans. The whitelist can be used to prevent false alarms<br>and to reduce the scanning time.
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.UniHTMLabel3=These options refer to the file filter, which defines the file formats to be analysed by all<br>scans, and the file formats to be excluded. The real-time protection is not affected <br>by this. Users should not change these settings.
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.UniHTMLabel_WarnFilters=<b>Warning:</b><br>If you define file formats yourself, there is a safety risk due to erroneous of missing<br>entries! Some infections might not be detected! These options are therefore helpful<br>only for experienced users.
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.RadioButton_Filter_Include=Analyse only the following file formats (separate with comma or semicolon):
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.RadioButton_Filter_Exclude=Analyse all files- with the exception of the following file formats (separate with comma or semicolon):
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.UniHTMLabel4=These preferences refer to the task planner. You may use it to perform a scan automatically at regular<br>intervals to make sure your system is checked regularly.<br>The task planner becomes active only if the main program is not running at the defined point of <br>time. Also, the real-time Guard needs to be present in the task tray (but need not be active).
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.CheckBox_Taskplaner=Check for infections regularly
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.UniHTMLabel6=These options refer to possible proxy settings for signature updates.<br>If your Internet connection uses a proxy server, you have to register it here.<br><b>Note:</b> The proxy settings apply to *all* users!
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.CheckBox_UseAlternateDownload=Without HTTP proxy, also an alternative download method is to be used
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.CheckBox_ShutDownAfterScan=Shut down Windows when finished (remove infections automatically)
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.UniHTMLabel_InfectionHeader=Infections have been found! The list below contains all infections found.<br>Selected infections are quarantined if you click on "Continue".<br>Non-selected are ignored and remain active!<br>A right click on an infection opens further options.
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.NikiUnicodeSTButton_DetailsInfection=Online description for selection
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.UniHTMLabel_LSPViewer=<b><a href="1">LSP Viewer</a></b><br>Helps analyse and delete installed WinSock extensions.
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.UniHTMLabel10=You may carry out a customised scan. To do this, select the objects and folders to be <br>scanned and click on "Start scan" in the bottom right corner.
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.Button_CustomBack=< Back
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.Menu_Add_Infection_ToWhitelist=Add this infection to the whitelist
Form_AshampooAntiSpyWare2.Menu_Add_File_ToWhiteList=Add this file to the whitelist
MESSAGES.MESSAGEHTML_NAG_ASW1KEY=Please do <b>not</b> enter a key for "Ashampoo AntiSpyWare 1"!<br>You can extend your license term by typing your valid key for<br>"Ashampoo AntiSpyWare 2" and then click on "Merge license terms"<br>in menu "Internet".